The Gopher Tortoise

As residents of Willow Walk, we share our environment with an abundance of wildlife. Common inhabitants of our community include deer, birds, raccoons, and opossums. Less common are gopher tortoises, ancient reptiles that have established at least three burrows in vacant areas between Willow Walk Place and the railroad tracks. These gentile creatures deserve our stewardship.


The state of Florida recognizes the gopher tortoise as a threatened species. As such, “the tortoise and its burrow are protected under state law” (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission [FWC]). Visit Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for specific rules applicable to gopher tortoise protection. In general, the FWC asks that we observe these dos-and-don’ts:

  • DO drive slowly along streets tortoises frequent. Tortoises often cross and crawl along the north-south section of Willow Walk Place.
  • DO observe posted signs identifying tortoise activity (again, along Willow Walk Place).
  • DO notify FWC personnel if you see a sick, injured, or dead tortoise. Visit the FWC website for points of contact.
  • Do NOT pet, pick up, or otherwise handle tortoises.
  • Do NOT feed tortoises, especially food with high sugar content such as watermelon.

Visit the FWC website ( to learn how you can help nurture and protect one of Willow Walk’s valued resources.